Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bieber Fever!

First off I will say - I'm not a Bieber fan... I just like a few of his songs and think he's pretty good looking (Probably why he's so famous!) 

I came across one of Justin Biebers songs the other day. "Baby" - Now I had never actually heard the whole song but after watching it on youtube I was hooked... it was hot and the moves weren't all that bad... Although Bieber doing the moon walk was a bit too far - Just because the King is dead doesn't mean he's suddenly the King of Pop!

I've decided that I should look into this whole Bieber fever thing and see what it's all about so I'm going to listen to one Bieber song a day and blog about it. I'm going to comment about everything he does... hair, clothes, dancing, acting and debate about whether or not he's gay.